The automatic Hot-Folder system for effective image processing

Image processing is easier and quicker then it ever was before! With the new SilverFast Hot-Folder feature, which is available as an add-on to the SilverFast HDR Studio and DCPro Studio versions, automatic adjustments to the entire series of images is easy.
The Hot-Folder principle
The images to be processed are stored in different input folders, for that processing parameters can be set separately. All images become automatically optimized after the conversion process is started. The final images get filed in the respective output folders.
“Workflow automation with the SilverFast Hot-Folder system is quite easy to set up …”
Erik Vlietinck, IT-Enquirer |
(Click to enlarge) |

Read more on the SilverFast Hot-Folder feature.
Tags: digitizing·effective tools·Hot-Folder·photo archive·SilverFast·workflow
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