SilverFast CEO flies once around the worldWorldflight | Karl-Heinz Zahorsky & Karl Karbach | Piper Malibu | N662TC |
The two pilots, Karl-Heinz Zahorsky (President & CEO of LaserSoft Imaging) and Karl Karbach, have started their journey around the world on July 28 from Kiel, Germany. During their journey the Piper Malibu named “Spirit of Kiel” will take them to stages such as Croatia, Egypt, Sri Lanka, the Easter Island and the Cape Verde Islands. A long-held dream has just started …
The journey includes a donation from Karl-Heinz Zahorsky as well as the donation call for Dr. Reijntje’s School for the Deaf in Sri Lanka. This school ensures that deaf young women get an education that makes it possible for them to earn their livelihood. It would be great if many readers supported this social project by participating in our Charity Fundraising. The journey itself can be followed via webblog and flight tracking system. |
SilverFast CEO flies once around the world
August 4th, 2017 · No Comments · Distraction, News
Tags: Piper Malibu·Worldflight·Zahorsky
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