Scanning Color Negative Film with SilverFast Ai Studio 8 and Adobe Lightroom
Sebastian Schlüter is a photography artist, who’s work can be described as a personal record of his observations. He would even call it an extension or a diversified document of all his encounters. His creative tool is photography, Sebastian’s style is pure, honest and calm. While he uses both digital and film cameras Sebastian has a preference for the subtle and simple style of film photography. SilverFast is his choice to transfer his analog images to the digital world.
He has now published an article about getting started with scanning color negative film: Video Tutorial: Scanning Color Negative Film. Sebastian introduces SilverFast’s NegaFix, Global Color Correction and Gradation tools. He also covers the basic settings and the challenges that come with scanning color negative film.
Sebastian Schlüter: « Make you own scans, your own interpretations, give the scans your artistic voice. That is what makes home scanning so fascinating. »
Visit Sebastian’s Website and check out many other great Scanning Tutorials.
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