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Quicktip: Flip images horizontally and vertically in SilverFast

October 8th, 2009 · No Comments · HowTo, Quicktips, Tips and Tutorials

Have you ever cleaned your slides and prepared them for a scan job for half an hour.

Then, after making a prescan, you realize the pictures are fliped and wonder -How am I going to place them in the right direction?

SilverFast hast two different options for flipping the images horizontally and vertically.

1st option (and the easiest)

On the tool bar located at the left side of the preview window, you will find a button with two arrows, one horizontal and one vertical.

Image inverted inside the scanner.

Image inverted inside the scanner.

You will use that button to flip your picture respectively


Image flipped horizontally

NOTE: The flip button flips the image according to the arrow you click on the button.

2nd Option (but.. I just want to flip one picture of all slides in the flatbed scanner)

If you are working on a flatbed scanner with many slides and use the 1st option, all pictures on the scanner will be flipped.

Since you only want to flip one picture of those contained in the film holder, instead of using the button on the preview window you will go to the densitometer.


Overview of the film holder, only the selected picture needs to be flipped

Right next to the small window in the densitometer you will find four buttons which are used either to rotate the picture or flip it horizontally or vertically or switch between pixel zoom and scan orientation.


Flip and rotate buttons on the densitometer

Note that the flip button will be active after clicking it. Changes made with the buttons found on the densitometer will not be reflected on the preview, however the end file will be rotated or flipped in the desired direction.


Active flipping, changes are not reflected in the preview but only in the end file.

IMPORTANT: do not forget to turn the changes in the densitometer back to their original position after finishing your scan job, otherwise it might remain active, next time you use your scanner your picture might be flipped or rotated.


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