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Quicktip: “Deleting the cache memory in VLT for accurate previews”

October 14th, 2009 · No Comments · News

Every image viewer or editor interprets picture files slightly different, every application generates their own thumbnail preview.
Such preview will be shown in SilverFast VLT as generated by the previous application (or device) and not necessarily as generated by SilverFast HDR or DC (unless you have worked in the previous session with those files).

To make sure the thumbnails you see while working with the VLT (either in DC, DC Pro, HDR or HDR Studio), match the actual condition of the pictures, two things are needed.

  • Clean the cache memory (delete the previews) and
  • Generate new previews for your pictures

This two tasks are very easy to accomplish

To clean the cache memory you will find a button with a trash can on the upper right corner of the VLT.


Trash can button on the upper right corner to delete the cache memory

You will select the option “Cache: delete all”  and confirm your choice.

delete all

Select the option "Cache: Delete all"

Then using the right mouse button (ctrl + click for Apple users) next to the thumbnails on the VLT will open a context menu, select the option “refresh thumbnails”.


Right click and select "Refresh Thumbnails"

Voila! VLT will generate new fresh thumbnails of your files.


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