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New Features included with the latest SilverFast Version 8.8.0r8

February 28th, 2017 · No Comments · HDR, News, Processing, Scanner, SilverFast

The new SilverFast version 8.8.0r8 has been released and brings some new features, which we would like to introduce to you below. The ICC profile you are using is now displayed directly, SilverFast has a full screen view and the SilverFast ColorServer Edition includes a new Setup-Pilot.

New Scanner: SilverFast 8.8 now also supports the Plustek OpticPro A 320.

Display of the currently used ICC Profile

SilverFast now displays the input profile used for the current scan or image processing job just left below the preview window. Now you can make sure you have selected the correct ICC profile with just a quick look. You may change the profile used in the “Preferences” in the “CMS” tab at the “Input” entry. SilverFast includes a whole range of scanner-specific input profiles, and if you are using SilverFast Ai Studio‘s scanner calibration, you will create your own individual ICC profiles.

Full Screen View and “Lights off” View

SilverFast now features a full screen view for a better evaluation of your image optimizations. All tools fade out and your image is shown enlarged on a black background. This allows you to concentrate completely on your desired image. Press the «ESC» key to exit full screen view. The “Lights off” button hides the tools without magnifying the image. (The “Lights off” view is available in SilverFast Ai Studio and SilverFast HDR Studio, the full screen view only in SilverFast HDR Studio.)

Setup-Pilot for the ColorServer

Using the SilverFast ColorServer you will process and optimize your images fully automatically. You create HotFolders and sets of image processing rules. SilverFast monitors your Hotfolders and applies your rules to all image files, which get stored in your Hotfolders. Compared to a manual adjustment of processing parameters for each individual image you can save a lot of work and time using the ColorServer.

In order to make it easier for you to create HotFolders, the SilverFast ColorServer now features a Setup-Pilot. This Setup-Pilot will guide you through the creation of a HotFolder step by step, explaining all the options and settings. It’s that easy.

More information on the ColorServer can be found on our website.

If you have questions about using the ColorServer or if you are interested to try a test installation, please contact:

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